200 Fitness Business Owners Met At The Amex Stadium, Brighton.
Wednesday 28th June 2023.
Running a business is hard, if it wasn’t everyone would be doing it. It is easy to get distracted, easy to compare yourself to others but your ability to succeed starts with you – how you think, act and lead on a daily basis. It can be a lonely road and that is why we have our Mastermind events – to create a community where you can grow, develop and get support from like-minded business owners.
As an industry, we face an obesity epidemic. Mental health is rising and people are lonelier than ever. In your town or city right now are people who have never heard of your brand or business. And the one thing that makes you appear and stand out in the noise is the way you command attention and the way you command attention is – marketing.
Marketing is what brings everyone together at Brighton Mastermind to find out what’s working right now and the most effective marketing strategies that will allow you to grow and develop your business but ultimately Mastermind is so much more than that. At Fitness Marketing Agency we are here to work with fitness business owners from the foundations upwards. This is why we focus on mindset, product, finance, as well as marketing and sales.
Your ability to succeed as a fitness business owner is all down to how many enquiries you receive, your ability to convert those clients into customers, and how you service your community so people stick, refer, and become lifelong customers. How is this achieved? A solid marketing strategy that works 365 days a year.
Mastermind is where you can gain that plan of action and it is a place where you will experience change and growth. Opportunities will be presented in front of you, networking will further your connections and ideas will be born for you and your business to grow, make more profit and impact more people.
The day began with our incredible keynote speaker, Patti Dobrowolski who made a huge impact in the room. Patti highlighted that only 1 out of 10 people who want to make a change will actually do it! That’s because distraction and fear come in. To dream big dreams isn’t always an option. Patti asked the room if they could draw a picture of the vision of the future they wanted and it could improve their chance of success by 42%, would they do it? Of course, the majority of FMA clients were absolutely up for increasing their chances of success and change by 42%. Imagination is what will propel you into the future.
Patti got the whole room to write/draw what’s going well right now in their business and what’s challenging so they could get a grasp on the current state of their business and then write/draw everything they want in their future. All of those wants and dreams can be daunting, scary and maybe overwhelming so Patti broke down how to create the three bold steps that are going to get you from your current state to your future state. This simple but powerful task propelled FMA clients into thinking bigger and starting to plan actions that are going to help their dreams become a reality.
Next up at Brighton Mastermind, we had our sales panel made up of FMA CEO Ben Davis, Sales & Marketing Manager Charlie Horton, Sales & Coaching Expert Luke Robinson and Sales Coaching Business Owner Tom Jackobs. As we all know marketing and sales go hand in hand and we want to ensure all FMA clients have a killer sales process getting them more conversions than they have ever had before. Here’s how the panel went down – Luke prerecorded a sales call (calling an FMA client’s lead) and the panel were able to break down the process within the call and demonstrate the exact techniques used in order to close the sale. Highlighted in this was what Luke did to achieve the sale and the potential errors he made that could have lost him the sale. This gave the room a real-life example in order to capture the realities of a sales call and be able to relate the sales techniques and processes to a real-life situation.
Moving on to the marketing component, the expert panel covered what’s working right now in terms of creative, reaching a new audience, how to diversity your marketing, how to have the most successful ads, the marketing strategy you should follow and implement 365 days a year including sales conversions, how to capture leads, social proof, content production, what you should and shouldn’t be relying on and how to work the algorithm. Giving an overview of the ecosystem of marketing opened up FMA clients to a whole new perspective and created a plan of action they can take away and implement.
After a well-deserved lunch break, it was time for the FMA clients to attend the numerous breakout sessions with top industry leaders. Here are a few highlights…
Dan Aguilera from Fitness Business Profits talked about building the right systems in order to create an unbreakable business. Sales, people, strategy and finance are the key 4 areas that are going to make a difference in your business and that is what Dan focussed on as well as proving practical strategies.
Pete Cohen’s (FMA Mindset Coach) elite CEO mindset talk expanded on keynote speaker Patti’s talk on how to make your desired future become a reality. Pete empowered FMA clients to go out and create the future they want to build by creating a better relationship with their future selves.
Oli Patrick, Clinical Wellbeing Expert educated the room on health and wellbeing. Wellbeing talk in general is so vague and subjective but Oli turns wellbeing into objective data and by bringing data allows better strategic conversations. Wellbeing data without strategy is redundant so there is no point in knowing the data but not knowing what to do with it, this is where Oli can help fitness businesses implement wellbeing successfully into their business, how to get the data, and what to do with it. Currently wellbeing/data/ testing is happening with or without fitness – don’t let direct consumer products own wellbeing. It’s time for fitness to get involved!
Duncan Lloyd from Cloud Accountant covered how to implement profit first into your fitness business. Duncan delved into the psychology behind finances and how you can tactfully and creatively control your money in order to affect how you think and the decisions you make.
Adam Hayley, Owner of Online Trainer Education educated the room on how to add additional revenue to your bricks and mortar business by offering an online service. Diversifying revenue, high-profit margins, mopping up ‘leakage’ and being semi-autonomous were Adam’s main reasons for going online alongside your business. Adam covered how to get online clients and how to deliver an online programme whilst simultaneously running your brick-and-mortar business.
Nicky Seghal from FBDA spoke on ‘squeezing your sponge to maximising your profits’ by focussing on the 6-step process to business financial clarity. By using a simple formula you can highlight small changes which you can implement that will create a huge impact in your finances and on your business.
Ollie Marchon and Jenz Robinson from Gym Owner Network talk about unlocking success through vision and strategy in order to build a profitable business. They covered the critical issues you face when operating with no vision and delved into success by design and how to achieve wild growth as a gym owner.
Jessie Keane from Swoop Funding talked about all things cash flow and growth solutions. SWOOP helps small and medium-based businesses raise funds in order to grow and scale their business. Getting a loan and funding can be really overwhelming but SWOOP help you access exactly the right funding for you, they do the research and find the best option.
Peter Fajecki, Martial Arts Expert from Martial Arts Marketing Agency spoke on the pricing and packaging in the new economy for your Martial Arts Business. Peter delved into how to specifically sell for adult programmes and kids programmes, how to increase conversions and how to use simple marketing techniques to make a huge impact in your business.
Finally, everyone came together to discuss two main questions. What is your biggest challenge? And what is your specific question? FMA clients leave Mastermind with so much information and breakthroughs but most importantly strategies to implement what they have learnt so they can come back better and stronger next time to speed up growth, profits and happiness in themselves and the business.
At our Mastermind event, we also officially launched The Fitness Marketing Agency Podcast and managed to hit the top of the charts by the end of the day in Entrepreneurship and Business! You can check out our Podcast HERE.
Fitness Marketing Agency’s Mastermind is at the forefront of the industry and an event that is hugely impactful for all those who attend. FMA’s next Mastermind Event is at Edgbaston Stadium in Birmingham on the 2nd November 2023 and we cannot wait to see how much growth our clients have experienced between then and now.
For more information on us and how we can help your fitness business, just click the link below.